Well, it has been over a year since I last posted anything. I wanted to start blogging and catch up on everything which has happened in a year, but that would take too long.
So here's a summary:
Andrew joined the Navy and is stationed in Norfolk, Virginia. I miss him, but was fortunate to spend July 4th weekend with him.
April is working hard at a full time job and keeps busy with her two English Bull Mastiffs, Knox & Lola.
Kayla just moved to Chattanooga and will be teaching 10th & 11th grade English this fall.
The grandbabies are now 5 and 2. Yes, folks, time does fly!!!
My cousin's son & wife just had a beautiful baby girl born on June 26th.
Aubie finally grew into those huge ears of his.
Summer has been very busy so far and a family beach trip is in the works.
Life remains interesting with plenty of ups and downs and stress this summer. Sometimes I would like to get off this crazy merry-go-round called life and rest my mind and soul for awhile. But that would be silly and is only my wishful thinking. I am truly blessed in all areas of my life. Well, I guess I will try to post some pictures if I can remember how. Take care! Love ya!!!
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